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Year 2000 / Y2K




If you haven't heard of or read about the "millennium bug" (also referred to as the "year 2000 problem" or "Y2K") then you may want to browse through some of the following sites:

Y2K, and lots of other links directly from Y2K
cnet's Millennium Bug site
ComputerWorld Year 2000
Microsoft's main Y2K site, and another one here
year2000 site
Y2K Report by J.P. Morgan Securities Inc.
Yahoo's Y2K headlines

If you're already aware of the Y2K issue then you may want to find out whether your PC is year 2000 compliant or not:

  1. Set the date of your PC to 31 December, 1999 (use Start | Control Panel and then double-click the icon Date/Time)
  2. Set the time of your PC to 23:58 (or 11.58pm)
  3. Shut down your PC (power off)
  4. Let at least 3 minutes pass (the real time clock of your PC should now have changed the date from 31-Dec-1999 to 01-Jan-2000)
  5. Power on your PC and check date and time. If your PC's real time clock shows the correct date (that is Saturday, 01-Jan-2000) then you can safely assume that both the real time clock and the BIOS are year 2000 compliant. Any other date indicates that something in your system does not perform correctly and you're likely to be in for some trouble in the new millennium...

There is hope, however, even if your PC is not year 2000 compliant. DynamIP won't fix your broken BIOS code or real time clock, and it probably won't save you billions of dollars, but it will definitely take care of any annoyances that your flawed BIOS might cause in the new millennium. If you activate DynamIP's built-in PC Clock Synchronizer DynamIP will automatically adjust your PC's real time clock to the correct time and date whenever you connect to the Internet. Thanks to DynamIP you will never have to manually adjust your PC's real time clock, not now and not after 31 December, 1999.

Another contribution to making your life easier... Happy New Year 2000 ;-)

Last modified: March 30, 1999
OFFLINE visitors since February 22, 1998

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